Image courtesy of the Royal United Services Institute.  Image courtesy of the Royal United Services Institute.

 I had the privilege of speaking to a group of impressive people from the oil and gas industry at the Thayer Hotel at West Point last night. It was a short talk, approximately 35 minutes, followed by some insightful questions (which went nearly an hour!).  In an effort to follow up for those in attendance at the event, what follows is a list of some of the resources I drew on when preparing the talk.

First, my remarks on the crisis in Crimea from this past March.

Some insight into President Putin’s thinking, from the New York Times.

The Royal United Services Institute (London) on the military balance on the border.

On Europe’s divided nature over the issue.

Two helpful timelines – one on the protests in Kiev, the other on Crimea.

Great photography that provides context to the physical destruction in Kiev.

How Ukraine’s gas bill (and the legacy of communism) factors in the story.

Some useful analysis from Fareed Zakaria – here (with Kissinger’s take), here, and here.

US Secretary of State John Kerry’s remarks on Crimea.

On the conflict recent developments, including non-state proxy’s in E. Ukraine.

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on Ukraine and President Putin.

…and…as promised: those crude, but accurate maps of stereotypes!

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