Who Should We Save? On Perilous Judgments and Military Moral Thought

*Note: This essay was originally published on the Modern War Institute’s Commentary & Analysis site. Who should we save? That’s the question a Johns Hopkins doctor has been asking, and who was recently profiled in a thought provoking New York Times article. More specifically, “When a surge of patients – from a disaster, disease outbreak,…

Strategic Landpower is Dead. Long Live Strategic Landpower.

*Note: This essay was originally published on the Modern War Institute’s Commentary & Analysis site. As a policy initiative, Strategic Landpower never really lived. Though a brief topic of interest in 2013, when the service chiefs of the Army, Marine Corps, and US Special Operations Command wrote a combined White Paper (“Winning the Clash of…

It’s time for the military to take pandemics seriously

*Note: This essay was originally published on the Modern War Institute’s Commentary & Analysis site. Mother Nature is the world’s greatest murderer – far better than Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Pol Pot combined – yet the military weirdly refuses to take infectious disease and pandemics seriously. Fact 1: Global deaths caused by infectious diseases are…