Experiencing war and loss with Sebastian Junger and Tim Heatherington

Photo from Tim Heatherington’s book Infidel Author Sebastian Junger gave an interview to NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross on 18 April 2013 about Junger’s new film Which Way is the Front Line From Here? The Life and Times of Tim Heatherington. Heatherington, a British photographer, became very close to Junger while they collaborated on the documentary film Restrepo, which Junger turned…

Iran War Council: Military Strategic Considerations

Photo of old U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Flikr user bashem. **Reader’s Note: These are Major Matt Cavanaugh’s remarks from the October 2013 War Council event on U.S. options toward the Iranian nuclear program.  The full event remarks are available at Small Wars Journal.  His prompt was to engage with “military strategic considerations.”** Academics and opinion writers engage military…