Forget Football: Why the Army Marathon Team Ball Run Matters More Than the Army-Navy Game

Photo of the arrival at the 50-yard line in Baltimore; image courtesy of the West Point Marathon Team. After losing to Navy for the baker’s dozenth time, I have a message for Army football fans: Quit the crying. Wipe the tears. End the sobbing. Halt the sniveling. Cease the bawling. No more weeping. Because the school you…

Words for War: Common Mistakes in Writing About Human Conflict

Image courtesy of Vanity Fair; photo illustration by Stephen Doyle. Words and war are connected deeply and in ways that have shaped human history.  Land armies secured the Rosetta Stone, which enabled linguistic understanding of far off ancient civilizations.  Paper-making technology came to the Middle East and Europe from a Chinese prisoner of war taken at the Battle of Talas in 751A.D. And,…

Zero to Clausewitz in 60 Minutes: Your Complete 300 Word Strategic Education

Image courtesy of Foreign Policy. Can we educate a strategist in an hour?  Some would argue this task is impossible, that it takes a lifetime, or at least 10,000 hours. But what if we had to?  Imagine it were possible – how would you do it?  How would you accelerate learning to strategic competency?  Note: I define competency as someone…

Strategic Thinking and Thinking Strategy: The Strategist’s Core Mental Competency

Image of Rodin’s Thinker courtesy of Wikipedia.   Strategic thought. Insight? Context? Perspective? Pick up any copy of the Harvard Business Review and you’ll get a definition (or six thousand) for strategic thought (that’ll be $9.95 + tax, thank you very much). But our audience is more interested in the strategy of Ancient Greek origin – where the mergers & acquisitions…